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Trademark registration in UAE

Get your Brand name, Tagline and Logo registered at an affordable cost

Registration of Trademark in UAE

Trademark registration in UAE allows companies to protect their brand name, symbol or logo from unauthorized usage. Trademark registration helps manufacturers to identify their goods and services. It can be a name, word, signature, letter, figure, drawing, symbol, title, tax stamp, seal, image, inscription, advertisement, or any other combination.

Trademark registration in UAE is valid for all the seven emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, Al Ain and Fujairah) and the Ministry of Economy is the governing authority.

UAE’s Trademark registration certificate is valid for 10 years further extension needs additional fees, and the registration can be renewed for the same period. A registered trademark will be under legal protection in UAE for 10 years since the date of official TM registration.

Trademark registration in UAE

Benefits of Trademark Certificate

  • Trademark Certificate will protect companies product and Brand Identity
  • Enable customers to easily identify the brand & product required without duplication
  • Ensure quality and trust in the products and services delivered
  • Trademark Registration protects against others who trade in the same, but defective goods or services.

Documents required for Trademark Registration in UAE

  • Application form for the Trademark Registration in UAE
  • Sample of trademark design (brand name)
  • Confirmation of official fee payment
  • Trading license
  • Power of attorney
  • List of goods and services to be protected
  • ID or passport of person who will sign application
  • Finally, Contact details of the applicant
UAE Trademark Certificate

Trademark Registration Process in UAE

Trademark Registration Process in UAE is a structured process where the organization must prepare the application form and provide the supporting documents to register their brand assets. AURION will handle it with utmost precision and execute the steps for the organization to ensure the brand assets are safeguarded from copying or counterfeiting.

The Trademark Law in UAE [Federal Law No.37 of 1992 (Further amendments over the years)], grants the rights of Trademarks to the UAE Nationals and Non-Nationals who perform commercial, industries, and services or handicraft companies in the region. The Law helps in safeguarding the company marketing assets such as Logos, Packaging, Signatures, Tag Line, Patterns, Seals, other brand identities from getting copied. Registering a Trademark helps in brand popularity, gaining enhanced customer confidence, employee motivation, expanding business to newer markets, and more.

Trademark Registration Process in UAE follows stringent rules. There is a well-defined process for achieving your trademark in the UAE.

1. Conduct an existing Trademark lookup

The first and most important step in the trademark registration process is to ensure the trademark assets you are interested in is not in use currently.

Business Consultants specialized in Trademarking could help you at this step by identifying close matches of your intended trademarking assets.

2. Documentation

In the UAE, the Ministry of Economy is the governing body for processing trademark applications.

It would require the documents such as Trademark design, trade license, Passport or Emirates ID.

3. Payment

There is a payment fee for processing the trademarking application. Post the document submission the fees have to be remitted to the authorities. The trademark registration cost is split across various stages such as initial approval, publication fees, registration, certification, etc.

5. Publishing in two National Arabic Newspapers

To receive a no-objection from the public for the trademarked assets, the application will be published in two national dailies by the Ministry.

There is a 30-day window for registering any objection by the public. If received any objection, the ministry would notify you the status. You will have to re-consider your branding and apply for the trademark registration with the revised brand assets.

4. Approval from the Ministry of Economy

The application would be reviewed by the Ministry of Economy. If found the trademarks are already in use or any irregularities in the application form, the submission could be rejected. Finding a business consultant for the application submission and paperwork will be advisable to avoid the risk of rejection.

6. Registration

Clearing all of the above-specified steps, you will receive the Certificate for Trademark Registration in the UAE. Once registered there is a 10-year validity for the Trademark Certificate. Post that will require to pay a fee to retain the Trademark.

An experienced business consultant could help you out with finding out the right assets for trademarking and will help you in the whole process of trademarking by 100% complying to local and international regulations.

Our consultants will handhold you throughout the registration process and beyond that. Schedule a consultation with us to know more on the Trademark Registration process in the UAE.

Cost of Trademark Registration in UAE

The cost of Trademark Registration in UAE is approx. AED 7,306. It includes the Trademark Registration Application Form Fees, the publication Fee for publishing in the Trademark Journal and 2 local Arabic newspapers, and the Trademark Registration Certificate. AURION will assist you with the end-to-end Trademark Registration Process in UAE.

Trademark Registration in UAE is a streamlined process governed by the Ministry of Economy in the UAE. All the new applications for trademark registration is to be submitted online for the approval from the Ministry of Economy via the website. Applicants must pay the fees and submit the required documents for review and subsequent processing of the Trademark Registration Certificate for your brand assets.

Trademark Registration Fee

Description Amount
Filing Fees
AED 753
Publication Trademark Journal
AED 1,550
Trademark Certificate
AED 5,003
Total Cost for Trademark Registration*
AED 7,306

Trademark Search (Optional): AED 750 – 1 to 2 working days.

* Assistance fee not included.

How to get a Trademark Certificate?

Trademark Registration in UAE

Trademark Certificate is the document that will help companies to protect their brand logo, title and tagline from duplication. Following are the step by step process to get a trademark certificate in UAE.

1. Register and Fill Application Form

The first step in registering a trademark is to search for the trademark and ensure it is not already in use. Only after choosing the appropriate assets for the trademark, you can proceed with the registration process. Submit the required documents along with the trademark registration form to the Ministry of Economy via the website.

2. Initial Approval Fees

Pay the required fees for the initial approval of the trademark registration application form. Our experts will assist you with document preparation, application form submission, legal translations, and fee payment at this stage.

3. Study and Review of the Application Form

The Ministry of Economy will evaluate the submitted application form. Any incomplete form or improper documents will result in a rejection. Else, you will receive an initial confirmation about the approval of your trademark registration request.

4. Publishing in Local Newspapers

After the approval from the Ministry, the trademark registration approval letter will be published in two local UAE newspapers. Any objections to the trademark could be notified to the Ministry in 30 days from the publishing.

5. Final Payment for Trademark Registration

The Ministry of Economy will further review the status of the Application and issue the Trademark Registration Certificate for your assets.
The certificate will include the registration number, application date, name of the business & the owner, trademark details and description of the assets that received the trademark.

6. Obtaining the Trademark Registration Certificate

A Trademark certificate in UAE is valid for 10 years’ subject to renewal post that period for a fee. The Trademark Registration in UAE will enable brands to protect its assets from copying and counterfeiting. The Trademark Registration Certificate in UAE can be used as a legal instrument to protect your brand in case of any infringement.

What are the benefits of Trademark Registration in the UAE?

1. Avoid Duplication

Trademark Registration helps in avoiding any duplication of your brand’s assets. Hence, Trademark prevents counterfeits and helps to flag any duplicate products and curb illegal import or export as well. You will be the owner of a Registered Trademark and will have the exclusive rights to use the trademark in your marketing and product or service delivery efforts.

2. Enhance Brand Value

Trademark Registration helps in securing brand assets. Trademark enhances brand perception, authenticity, and transparency. It allows brands to function without any legal hurdles. Hence, Trademark helps customers to distinguish the brand from fake ones. Also, it helps in achieving higher customer satisfaction and is a promise to deliver quality goods and services.

3. Global Market Reach

Presently, Trademark is a status symbol and customers are well aware of the ‘Registered’ or ® Symbol along with the authenticity of your brand. Hence, it adds up to building an instant brand value among the customers.

All major brands such as Apple, Adidas, and Nike have established their footprints globally by projecting their trademarked assets in their marketing initiatives and product or service delivery.

Trademarked assets help in effective marketing, as building awareness about the brand is quicker with the registered symbols and also by promoting the trademarked assets through the digital marketing efforts.

Brands such as Airbnb, Amazon, Samsung, Huawei, etc., have expanded globally by promoting their trademarked assets across their websites, digital channels, traditional marketing, media, etc.

Trademark registration in the UAE has multiple advantages for your company. As UAE is a center for business and shopping, branding is a key component for differentiation. So, the Trademark registration of your brand assets will help in gaining a competitive edge.

Also establishing your brand in the UAE is a road ahead to international market expansion and building a legacy brand. Additionally, a trademarked brand has a competitive advantage over the other market player in gaining a presence in the customer’s mind. It also helps the company to achieve quicker market shares and business growth.

4. Brand Identity

Trademark Registration keeps the brand identity intact. Trademark helps companies to gain exclusive rights on using their assets for marketing and delivering quality products or services to the customers. Also, Trademark helps to take action against any unauthorized use of your assets and claim for infringement rights.

5. Legal Authority

Trademark enables brands to have the provision to file a complaint against anyone who misuses their trademark. You will be the sole owner of your brand assets and no other individual or brand would be able to copy it.

6. Security

A Registered Trademark acts as security for your business in many ways. The Trademark adds value to the business establishments. The right to use the word ‘Registered’ or ® symbol is entitled to the brand. Additionally, this adds up to the credibility and notifies other people of your rights.

The trademarked assets can also be pledged as a security to loan facilities similar to the immovable property. This adds up to extra support for expansion or even at the time of distress.

Trademark Registration in GCC Countries

Trademark Registration in GCC Countries is becoming popular as many organizations across various sectors are going for Trademark Registration for their brands, logo, tagline, etc. There is intense competition in the GCC Market and there is a large addressable consumer market. 

So, to gain customer confidence and maintain credibility as a trusted brand, Trademark Registration will help the companies. Furthermore, there are numerous companies having branches and presence across the GCC countries that include Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. 

Hence, getting a Trademark Registration from the GCC Country where the company is located and operates from will help to gain a competitive edge. The organization can safeguard their brands from counterfeiting. Also, Trademark Registration will help in easily expanding their market presence in the GCC countries and beyond. 

Additionally, the Trademark Registration provides legal protection, avoids brand logo duplication, and enhances customer trust. So, obtaining a Trademark in a GCC Country helps the company to strengthen their presence in the market and protect the brand’s identity. Also, for a long term sustainability and continuing operations as a trusted brand, trademark registration plays a vital role for an organization.

Trademark Registration Assistance

The Trademark Registration process in UAE appears to simple and straightforward but any errors made in the application form or during the document submission will result in the rejection of the trademark.

Hence, it is best to engage an experienced business consultant who is well aware of the Trademark Registration Process in the UAE. Our services cover trademark registration of your brand, logo, tagline, brand signature, etc., at the lowest cost in UAE. We provide end-to-end assistance in getting your brand assets trademark registered in UAE at the fastest possible time and affordable fee.

Aurion team extends full support in registering a Trademark in the UAE or GCC and comply with all legal requirements. The consultants at Aurion have expertise in registering trademarks without any hassles for the investor. We have supported registering more than 150 trademarks in the UAE.

To know more about Trademark Registration in UAE, connect with our team right away!

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